Do you want your business to be safer and grow faster?
RiskPlanner enables you to assess and manage your commercial risk and access additional financing.
Take one minute to watch our video and learn more.
We offer two modules that can be used either separately or together: Portfolio and Finance.
RiskPlanner Portfolio
Credit Risk management at a portfolio level
You can get an up to date commercial risk assessment at a transaction, partner or portfolio level within minutes.
We connect to both external credit info data and your own sales to get the most accurate result.
Our proprietary, AI driven risk model is constantly being improved and gets better.
Best for: any business who wants to sell in credit with confidence
We collect company information for: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland
Benefits to your business
RiskPlanner Finance
Track your goods on the way, access a financing with our partners and manage the agreements in one bespoke solution.
Best for: any business that wants to finance working capital
Currently vailable only in the Lithuanian market .
Working capital financing solution.
Benefits to your business
Get started now, no upfront costs
Built on Salesforce.
Our solution is hosted on worlds # 1CRM platform - Salesforce. This means inbuilt security, scalability and extensibility.
Onboarding is fast and painless with no initial costs. We provide onboarding guidance, training and support every step of the way.
What our customers and partners are saying
“RiskPlanner gives us an ability to holistically understand and manager customer risk”
— Auste Augustinaite
Head of Strategy and Business Development at Imlitex Holdings
“RiskPlanner has opened new trade financing solutions for both of us and our clients”
— Paulius Joksas
Head Of Baltic Business at PayRay Bank
DreamCubator: Kaip efektyviai įvertinti kliento mokumą ir parduoti daugiau su RiskPlanner ir Salesforce?
PayRay: Big data and artificial intelligence open the door for the customer and the bank to assess the risks together
Our Partners
The project is partially financed by European Union.
Want to learn more?
Schedule a call and let us see how we can help you.